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Small fitness businesses you can support during COVID-19

Small fitness businesses you can support during COVID-19

We put the call out to our community to tell us their personal trainers, studios and gyms who are doing it tough. They've done an amazing job to pivot quickly to online classes now that gyms have closed for everyone's safety during this quarantine period. If you're looking to continue your workouts in self-isolation, or start exercising now that you're staying home, here's a list of Instagram accounts of businesses that you can support by working out online with them.



Absolute by Amber @absolutebyamber

Fitstop Nundah @fitstop_nundah

Tropicana Fit @tropicana_fit

Rival House

Target Physio @targetphysio

LiFT Strength & Conditioning @liftstrengthandconditioning

Ritual HQ @ritualhqeh

Premium Pilates and Fitness @premiumpilatesandfitness

The Grind Pit @the_grind_pit



Triple Five Fitness @triple_five_fitness

The A Life @the_a_life

Dee Street @deestreet_dance

F45 Training Reservior @f45_reservior

Barre Collective @barre.collective

The Training Room Geelong @thetrainingroomgeelong

Flex Studios @flexstudiosav @flexstudioslynbrook

Manafit @manafit

Fit Academy Australia @fitacademyaustralia

Infinity PT @infinitypt_beacy

Bustamove Personal Training @bustamovepersonaltraining

St Arnaud Health & Fitness @sainthealthandfitness

Be In Blossom @be_in_blossom



The Self Care Sisterhood @theselfcaresisterhood

Retro Sweat @retrosweat

Body Evolution PT @bodyevolutionPT

Thriving Project @thrivinglifestyles.hf

Creighton Personal Training @creighton_pt



Boom Fitness @boomfitness

Fit Right Physio @fitrightphysio

Control Pilates & Fitness @controlpilatesandfitness

Hiit That @hiitthat

Xsnrg Pilates @xsnrg_pilates

Just Move Just Eat @justmovejusteat



The Nourish Nook @the_nourish_nook



Cody Barratt Fitness @cody_barratt_fitness

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